ADSR Envelope Editor
To help creating complex smooth envelopes easier, Buzz includes a tool for making ADSR envelopes much easier.

To access the ADSR tool click the ADSR button in the Wavetable Editor tool buttons. The Envelope Editor will immediately begin shaping your envelope when you click the bottom. Once you are done with the tool, you may further edit the Envelope however you wish.
Element Description
Attack Time

This slider adjusts the attack time of the current envelope.

Attack Scale Type This drop-down lets you select from various logarithmic and linear scales for the Attack time.
Decay Time This adjusts the decay time of the current envelope.
Decay time style Lets you select between linear and logarithmic decays.
Sustain Level This adjusts the sustain level of the current envelope.
Enable Sustain This enables a sustain point in the current envelope.
Release Time This slider adjusts the release time of the current envelope.
Release Scale Type This drop-down lets you select from various logarithmic and linear scales for the Release time.
Resolution Adjusts the resolution (amount of points) in the Envelope. Higher resolutions result in more points and smoother envelopes.